This year I am participating in the
It's a Wild Life block of the month. I've already shown you my maple leaf blocks which were the blocks for February. March's block was not so much to my liking (we don't have many meadows here in the northwoods for deer to graze, which is what the block is) so I meditated awhile and figured out what I wanted to do instead. The block size is about 12.4 x 24.5 so I made my block that size also so it will fit in the finished project.
I finally finished it this afternoon. Yup, it's the Northern Lights.
If you don't have a good block of the month going, consider joining this one. It's great way to use up scraps.
Now I'm off to choose a queen size scrap quilt pattern because my quilt is shredding. It spent too many years beside a sunny window.
Such a pretty block with gorgeous fabric! xx