A place to celebrate raising Angora rabbits and using their fiber, sewing, embroidery, crocheting, and whatever other glorious things come to mind.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018


Well, life is changing a little around here. My 13yo PooBah decided she wants to be more independent in her studies, so I've written up a week's worth of stuff for her to do and she's divided it out into daily allotments. She's done pretty well so far, getting help when needed, but being responsible for getting it done.

So I had time today to work on the rabbitry.

No, it wasn't this clean. This picture was taken when we first set up. So today Princess and I worked on cleaning it up. The unusually warm temperature of 47F helped us to be willing to stay at it for a long while. So we cleaned frozen waste off the "poop slides" and carried it out to become compost for the garden.

We have now sold out of the dwarf rabbits (Lionheads) except for the one we're keeping as a pet. I plan to keep him in the house where we can love on him more. 

So I'm repurposing the Lionhead cages to spread out the Angoras so each one has his/her own cage. Right now I have three does in one large cage, which is not necessarily a problem except that it's hard to tell which is which when I'm trying to keep them brushed regularly. They all look alike. 😊 And when I've tried putting different colors of fingernail polish on their ears to tell them apart, it hasn't lasted.

I still have bags of fiber from the Angoras that can be purchased from my Etsy store and have some yarn listed there, too. I hope to get more yarn listed soon. Check it out. If you're not interested, please consider telling someone else, or get someone a gift.

1 comment:

  1. It's a lot of work keeping on top of the cages I would imagine! DD only has one bunny and his litter gets bad pretty quickly! I just love your lionhead :) Soooo cute! xx


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